Welcome to the 10th year of BSides PDX!
The CFP is open NOW!
Round one closes August 15th. We aim to respond by August 22nd.
Round two closes September 15th. We aim to respond by September 22nd.
Talks will be announced and published after you confirm acceptance.
We hope to have a rough schedule published by October 1st
BSidesPDX 2022 will be Friday, October 7th.
BSidesPDX is a low-cost, volunteer-run event. We thank our speakers with badges, t-shirts, and respect.
BSides is a unique mix of the security community, spanning newcomers to veterans. The goal is to run a local conference that brings world-class content to Portland, but at the same time gives locals and newcomers the opportunity to present their work in a local and lower-stress environment.
We hope to have a mix of talks, walk-throughs, workshops, and hosted happy hours. Take a look at past years sites to see what people have done in the past: https://bsidespdx.org/about/past-events.html
Talks can be either 50 or 20 minutes.
Workshops will be ~ 2 hour, in-depth training. These are for up to 30 attendees and are intended to be hands-on, but we're flexible with the current situation and will work with you to try to accommodate what you need.
Events bring something special to BSidesPDX and help make it what is is. We'd love to include your event and contests. What ideas do you have?
We've got categories, these are just recommendations to get your mind going, and help us sort the content.
Hack the planet.
It's not just computers that matter. Tell us about hacking (or protecting) places, processes, or people. How did you hack the system, and how can you use that to make the system better? -
End Users.
We can't expect the whole world to be security professionals. Tell us about how you solved a problem, educated a user, or were able to make something secure by default. -
Breaking into Infosec
There are many people who wish to transition their career to infosec. Tell us about the journey, troubles, and tribulations of your journey from whatever it was to infosec. Conclude with you can do it too! -
Hack Portland
Tell us about a uniquely Portland hack that wouldn't fit anywhere else. Perhaps you hacked the city, metro, county, local dispensary, or vegan grocery coop. -
Hack the Dystopia
How do we hack our way out of this Jim Crow, Orwellian, plague ridden dystopic abyss? -
You tell us!
As BSidesPDX has evolved over the years into a larger event, the process of curating the content has evolved as well. In an effort to recognize that the goal of BSidesPDX is to support the local information security community, we’ve recruited a set of local experts to help with the selection process. See the review board: https://bsidespdx.org/events/2022/review-board.html